Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we are getting ready to take a short break before the final push this iteration.  Over a third of the remaining work is blocked on paperwork from the state of Virginia, so we may not close out everything on the list if we don’t hear from them in time.  If that turns out to be the case we will just wrap that administrative work up in December.

In the mean time, we are collecting some great test data and our testers are doing wonderful things like raising money for children’s hospitals on Holoseat.  We cannot express how thankful we are for our testers and everything they are doing.

Backlog – See Kanban 1.2 tab for current sprint plan and Backlog tab for full backlog.




  • Distilled FB Pages research into actionable tasks

Will Do

  • May work on testimonials page


  • none



  • Researched social media marketing (still have a little left before claiming done)
  • Checked on license agreements (still waiting on one… J is checking old mail box)

Will Do

  • Post next “How I Holoseat”


  • Still waiting to hear back from Virginia for several tasks