Tag - Alpha

Getting Jig-gy with it…


I know, it’s a dad joke that isn’t great with a dated reference.  As a new father, I’m choosing to make it anyway.  That said, this is my assembly jig I’ve put together for making sure the pins…

Assembled Alpha Controller


Alpha controller assembled on my workbench.  Not the clearest pictures, but my workbench in the garage doesn’t exactly have stellar lighting.  I’ll add some better pictures once I get a chance.

PY18 Sprint 4 Stand Up 3

Stand Ups

TL;DR Lots of great progress on the controller housing this week, including assembling our first true alpha Holoseat!  Also getting ready to fully engage with our testers now that we are in the home stretch of building the…

First v1 Alpha Holoseat!!!


Behold, the first complete v1 Alpha Holoseat!!!  Now that the controller housing is done, I just had to put everything together and get it attached to my pedals.  If you will excuse me, I believe it is time…

v1 Holoseat Controller Housing!


Completed the first complete revision of the Holoseat controller housing last night!  Finally covered up all the electronic bits.  What do you think?

PY18 Sprint 4 Stand Up 2

Stand Ups

TL;DR As we hoped, the burn down chart looks much better this week.  The trick will be to keep up this pace for the full sprint.  Check out our Pics feed for shots of the evolving v1 release…

Fusion 360 + PrintrBot + Holoseat = Good Times Friday Night


One of the joys of owning a 3D printer is being able to test out parts you are modeling in CAD in almost real time.  As you can see, I just have a little more work left of…